37 weeks, 5 days and still counting the days until we meet our little one! I went for my weekly check-up today and my OB told me that my cervix is thinning so things are progressing as they should! I welcome everyone to guess the date of birth, size and length of Dagney in the comment section. My co-workers have bets going with a $70 pot...one teacher dared to give Dagney a June birth date and I told her that I will personally hunt her down if her guess comes to fruition :)
Other than that, I have been enjoying my maternity leave and getting lots done in preparation for Dagney's arrival...washing baby clothes, writing thank-you notes, taking walks, packing for the hospital and running lots of errands while trying not to spend too much money. Oh, and Josh could speak volumes about my "nesting" tendencies as he has made almost daily trips to the dumpster with large trash bags and has witnessed first-hand my compulsion to have things look a certain way (Here is where I should include a picture of the inside of my kitchen cabinets...I even impressed myself when I was through).
Unfortunately there have been unpleasant things to speak of like swollen ankles (or "cankles" as I like to call them since sometimes my calf cannot be differentiated from my actual ankle), excruciating round ligament pain, needing to use Josh to propel from one side to another when laying in bed, referring to our stairs as "Mt. Everest" and the occasional hormonal tantrum which Josh could also speak volumes about..............