Dagney has been playing with Paige more and more lately. Just last night the three of us were sitting on the couch waiting for Daddy to get home and Dagney reached out to hold Paige's hand and they smiled at each other. While I wasn't able to get a picture of that special moment between them, I was able to grab my camera and hide behind the couch to get the ones below just in time!
Cole is at our house a few times a week and he and Dagney have grown very close. I would liken them to Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Dr. Seuss's Cat in the Hat book creating chaos wherever they go. It was nice to capture such a sweet, and quiet, moment between them.
Paige is absolutely enamored with our cat Evin. No matter what Paige is doing, if Evin enters the room she lights up. I'm so glad I caught one of those moments on camera today!
One of Dagney's favorite activities over the past month has been playing with the tea set she got from Grandpa and Granny Mel at Christmastime. Josh and I have a feeling we will be invited to many tea parties over the next few years. Today was Ohma and Cole's turn!
Ohma sets the table...
Dagney pours the tea (while making an adorable "shhhhhhh" sound)
Cole was the life of the party!
Even Teddy got a sip.
So much fun...maybe you can be at the next one!
Oh and, no, this picture was not taken at Christmas...and, yes, our Christmas tree is still up....but we did take the ornaments off!
Recently Dagney has taken to "hiding" under the end table when Mommy or Daddy are after her for something (usually the evil diaper change!)...but last night she decided to hide after Daddy gave her part of his candy bar. I guess she was worried that he'd change his mind and want it back. I wonder, though, where her new hiding spot will be when she realizes that we can see her through the table's glass top :)
Aunt Jessie, you asked for it...so here's "More Paige!" And of all things she's opening a gift from Santa, which traveled all the way from beautiful Montana! Granted this post is a tad bit late, but I've been hibernating with my Mac and all its wonders. More regular posting is making a comeback!
You want me to do what with this??
Thanks, Daddy.
An Inchworm!! How did Aunt Jessie and Uncle Adam...oops, I mean, Santa know??
This is one of my favorite commercials and it came to mind earlier today as I checked out of the grocery store. Since becoming a full-time parent, lots of things have changed regarding how our family spends money. Gone are the days of impulse shopping and last-minute grocery store trips! Each and every day I spend at home with both of my girls is a blessing, and over the past few months I've made it my mission to make sure our family thrives on only one income. Since a couple of friends have asked me how I save so much money I thought it would be fun to show it on a post!
My workstation...I usually spend an hour or two a week here on Sunday night with my newspaper inserts, store circulars and calculator. It is so worth it. Dagney's enjoying breakfast with Daddy in the background.
A close-up of my coupon binder. Those of you who know me best are not shocked at my meticulous organization :)
Today's steal: Cost before coupons = $28.56 Coupons tendered = $22.63 Final out of pocket cost = $5.93 Even the cashier was impressed! Our next big purchase, however, is probably going to be a chest freezer for the garage!