I decided that 2 months was long enough and it was time for her first trip to a store. Babies R Us was a natural choice as I'm sure they're used to screaming children and anxious mothers...plus they have a lounge where you can feed and change your baby. Well, Dagney did great - just a little fussiness at the end of the trip because she missed her afternoon nap. Much thanks to Janelle for taking these great shots and for soothing an upset baby in the back seat on the way home!

Where are we? What's going on??

I'm still not sure if I'm into this, mom.
How ever will I decide?
Oohh...there's more over there!
Cuz I'm so cute can I get more?

Okay I'm pooped. Shopping is hard work.
Very successful first outing! Way to go mum and baby!
2 months, that's definitely time to go shopping! :) So what did Ms. Dagney buy? I hope mommy and Janelle bought themselves something too. Dagney appears to be curious as to what's in the store. Look at that face. . .adorable!!!!!
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