Friday, August 31, 2007
You'd Never Know...
but Smiley Bunkers here kept mommy up from 2 a.m. until 4 a.m. This has only happened maybe 2 times in the past and that was when she was going through the worst of her colicy period. So now I'm scared...will she do this once I go back to work next week rendering me useless my whole work day? Why did this happen at all? She did have a rough day yesterday...she just didn't want to stay down for her normal naps. By the time Josh got her to sleep at 8:45 p.m. we were all feeling icky. Of course that didn't stop me from surfing the internet until 11 p.m. After all, vacation's almost over and then I'll have no choice but to go to bed early. So she wakes me up around 2 a.m. for her bottle and everything is going well...she's half asleep, I'm half asleep...she burps appropriately...I lay her down and she's clearly uncomfortable and squirming. I pick her up and desperately try to stop the inevitable from happening but she's wide awake at this point. Bouncing on the ball with mommy AND daddy (not exactly chipper in the wee hours) didn't work. Eventually she falls asleep but it's 4 a.m. and I'm still exhausted when she wakes up for the morning at 7:30. So all this to say I don't know how she can smile like this after that kind of night...but she made me smile, too, so all is not lost. Let's just hope there is no repeat performance in the coming weeks however I have a feeling there will be plenty more (teething is just around the corner, isn't it?).
Thursday, August 30, 2007
What a Nice Surprise!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Our Chesapeake Family Reunion
We're back...and we had a fantastic time! Dagney (or "Daggers" as she was affectionately called by Aunt Jessie) was able to meet her West Coast Aunts, Uncles and Cousins this past week when we all joined eachother at Grandma Connie's in Chesapeake Beach, Maryland. Josh and I stayed in a one-bedroom condo where we spent most of our time (we certainly do have a 3 month old!). We had fun spending time with the family, working on puzzles, strolling on the boardwalk and feasting on fresh crabs, shrimp and clams. Thanks to Grandma Connie for such a wonderful week. We miss you already and can't wait to plan next year's reunion. Unfortunately we weren't that good at bringing the camera with us throughout the week so Jessie and Jenny will be sending us some more pictures we can Dagney's first time in the pool.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Introducing Cole David...
our newest neighbor! Our friends Janelle and Dave had their little boy on Wednesday, August 15th, at 2:46 pm, weighing in at 7 lbs. 6. oz. and 20 inches. Janelle is recovering from a C-Section and the new little family will be home this weekend. We are so excited for them and for Dagney...who will have another playmate on the block!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Barbeque With the Hooey Family!
Today we were invited over to Kim and Fred Hooey's house for a barbeque so they could meet Dagney...Kim will be taking care of her when I return to work in September. It was an awesome day! Dagney got to meet their 18 month old daughter Annabel and their 2 (almost 3) year old son Charlie. She even took a nap in "her" crib upstairs. Our little girl smiled and relaxed in Daddy's arms the whole day as if to say, "See mom, everything's cool." I think she's going to have a great time with great kids and an excellent mom...we're very excited for her! (Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of Fred to post!)
Introductions all around
Annabel and mommy Kim
"You all enjoy your corn...I'll just go ahead and gnaw on my hand..."
Friday, August 10, 2007
Back to Work! (for the day...)
Today I went to visit all of my friends and students at Byram Lakes Elementary where they're coming to the end of their 6 week summer session. Unfortunately what you can't see is the awesome onesie Dagney's wearing that her honorary Aunt Kara gave to her, which says "My Mommy is an Occupational Therapist" (a big hit needless to say!). Everyone clamored to see and hold the baby...and while I definitely wasn't the main attraction I did manage to get a few "I miss you Mrs. Bunkers" from some of my kids. That brought a smile to my face on a dreary and rainy summer day. In less than a month it's back to work for real, though, and I have mixed emotions about it. Tomorrow Josh, Dagney and I are going to a barbeque at the home of Kim and Fred (Fred is the brother of a teacher I work with). Kim will be taking care of Dagney starting in September and we're very excited for them to meet Dagney...we'll probably be posting some pictures so stay tuned.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Baptism Pictures!
We couldn't have had a better day from beginning to end! My brother Franz, an awesome photographer, arrived at 8:30 a.m. to take pictures of Dagney being dressed by her Godmother Brenda. Then we were off to church for a beautiful ceremony and ended the day with a luncheon at Casa Mia Restaurant in Sparta.
Dagney wore the Christening gown that my own Godmother bought me when I was Baptised.
Isn't she gorgeous?
Pastor Benson did a fantastic job with the ceremony...Dagney didn't mind being held by him one bit.
Dagney's Godfather Todd, Josh, Pastor Benson with Dagney, me and Dagney's Godmother Brenda.
A special thank you to all our wonderful friends and family who shared this special day with us!
Out and About
The other morning Dagney and I braved the hot and humid weather to take a walk with our friend Janelle...who is very pregnant and overdue. Well, we didn't last long outside but Dagney looked so darn cute in her peanut shell it was worth it just for the photo-op (unfortunately it didn't help stir things up for Janelle).

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Monday, August 6, 2007
Grandma and Me
This was a special weekend for the East Coast Bunkers family! It all began on Friday night with the arrival of Grandma Connie, Josh's mom. Dagney got to spend a lot of quality time with her and I got to watch an experienced mom at work! Grandma Connie has a very relaxed, gentle and easy-going way about her with the baby that I really admire (and the baby definitely enjoys!). I think Josh inherited a lot of that from his mom.

Thursday, August 2, 2007
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