our newest neighbor! Our friends Janelle and Dave had their little boy on Wednesday, August 15th, at 2:46 pm, weighing in at 7 lbs. 6. oz. and 20 inches. Janelle is recovering from a C-Section and the new little family will be home this weekend. We are so excited for them and for Dagney...who will have another playmate on the block!

He really is cute! Not sure who he looks like though!
Did you "steal" my "stolen" picture?!?!?
We have a strict "no pirating" policy in the Bunkers house!! Janelle's dad emailed the pic to me!I think Cole looks a lot like his "mum" with a little red in his hair from his dad...but we both know how that can all change in a day...and then back again...we'll just have to wait for a poll on their blog to duke it out!
I enjoy being a pirate! ARRRRGGGGGHHHHH Matey!!
I never met Janelle and Dave the time I was up there visiting but please pass a CONGRATULATIONS along for me. It's always a blessing to see new babies come into this world!
Give Josh and Dagney a hug for me Jenn!
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