I went for an ultrasound yesterday and everything is looking great! The baby is measuring at 12 weeks and 4 days, which is just right. The technician's exact words were "It's very, very maybe a girl", so I guess we'll have to wait for the 20 week ultrasound to be sure. It's hard to see in the picture, but the baby is lounging....its legs are up and its arms are behind its head!
hi new baby cousin!
Oooooh, Aaaaaah, I love ultrasound pics. My little niece/nephew is looking quite comfy!!
Wow! What wonderful news! Congratulations! You are going to have quite the busy little home :)
OH MY GOSH J&J . . .YOU ARE PREGNANT AGAIN? FABULOUS!!!! LITTLE DAGNEY WILL BE SO HAPPY!!! ARE YOU GOING TO FIND OUT THE SEX OR WAIT? GOSH IT'S BEEN SO LONG! Little update, today is my last day at my law firm, I am leaving the law business. Will be working at the Grooming Lounge (spa for men) their 2nd location in The Galleria/Tysons Corner. Not sure my start date, taking time for myself. Needed to stand back relieve all my stress. Hope to hear from you both soon! R and I still keep in touch. He's doing great w/his UFC/MMA training, I'm so proud! Anyway, lots of hugs and kisses to your whole family and the new member! LOVE, Michelle
Great pic, guys! Can't wait to meet Le (Boy) or La (Girl) Schooches Numero Deux! Looks like another one with delicate features so i'm with the ultrasonagrapher!!! Cole is going to have another girlfriend maybe, or maybe a new buddy boy!
Congrats on #2 to-be!! What an awesome ultrasound pic!
Merry Christmas Baby Bunks #2!
~ Dad
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