While things didn't turn out quite as we had planned, the baby's first Christmas was filled with other "firsts"and lots of love and merriment. Josh woke up on Sunday morning with a sore throat and was feeling achy...and by the evening had a fever, so on Monday he rested and we had a quiet Christmas Eve at home with Grandpa Dean and Granny Mel. We will have another Christmas celebration next weekend with Ohma, Ohpa, Gotta and Lauren....but we all sure missed them Christmas Eve! Then on Christmas Day we had a wonderful time opening gifts, relaxing and watching Grandpa and Grandma cook the turkey and all the trimmings (what a treat for the baby, Josh and me!). We will miss them when they leave on Thursday - they got to have lots of quality time with Dagney and she loved it! Here are some of the highlights of Christmas 2007...
Our Christmas tree all decked out.
One of the baby's "firsts" over the long weekend was learning to wave...here you see her waving back at Daddy while Granny Mel took the picture. Now she'll be crawling along downstairs, stop and give me a wave.

Dagney opened two gifts from Grandma and Grandpa on Christmas Eve to warm-up for Christmas Day. She got the hang of ripping open the presents pretty quickly.

One of Dagney's gifts from her Grandparents was a little xylophone with balls on top that you hit with a mallet...she thinks they're especially tasty. Thanks Grandpa and Grandma!
Josh didn't feel good, but hung in there like a champ so he could spend time with us all!
Dagney started tall kneeling a couple of weeks ago and is demonstrating another of her Christmas "firsts" - pulling up to standing.

Granny Mel got a special gift this Christmas from her hubby - a beautiful ruby ring that she had eyed at a store in Washington State several months ago - and then had regretted not buying! Those Bunkers men really know how to surprise their women...
Even with all of the brand new electronic gizmo baby toys strewn around the living room, Dagney's favorite gift turned out to be the little wood blocks from Granny Mel.
Grandma Connie sent some wonderful gifts for the baby and us - among them was a "Baby's First Christmas" ornament and a cute shopping cart cover that Mommy really needs!!
I got two big surprise presents from Josh this Christmas and both made me cry - a camera that I've been wanting for at least a year, but never thought I'd own and, just when I literally said that "nothing could top that," I opened up a diamond necklace just like the one I lost last year, which Josh had given to me two months after we first met.
The awesome turkey with giblet stuffing that Dad and Mel prepared for us Christmas Day.
Dagney getting ready for her pureed turkey and veggie dinner...sporting a new bib from Mel.
Dagney posing with her handsome Cousin Emmet.
Here she is opening a gift from Mommy and Daddy. She received so many beautiful gifts for Christmas including adorable outfits from her Aunt Jenny and family and a Lamaze light-up musical flower toy and Dr. Seuss toothbrush from her Aunt Jessie and family. More pics to follow!
Great Pics! Missed you guys too and can't wait to see you!
P.S. Call me :)
P.S. Can I have your old camera? I lost mine!
Great pics, it looks like you had a real blast!
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!! We sure missed you! Wow, Dagney, you are such a smart girls with your waving and standing already. You will keep your Mommy and Daddy on their toes for sure! Love you!
Oh my goodness, Cole recieved the exact same first Xmas ornament this year too!!! Now he and his little girlfriend have matching ones! Yeah!! Janelle
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