Sunday, February 10, 2008

Slumber Party with Ohma

On Saturday morning I picked up Ohma so she could hang out with us and spend the night. We had a lot of fun together playing with the baby and talking. We even ordered a pay per view movie "3:10 to Yuma" after Dagney went to bed (an interesting tidbit is that she learned a lot of English from watching Westerns when she first came to this country). We can't wait for her next visit, which I've already scheduled for President's Day!

Dagney tries her first teething bisquit and loves it.

While her California cousins enjoyed 80 degree weather, Dagney tried catching snowflakes through the sliding glass door.

Ohma's sneak attack.

A new favorite pasttime of Dagney's is sorting washcloths...not by color but by taste, of course.

Snuggle time with Daddy.


Jennifer said...

Oh would I love to see some snow!! Not having snow days is so depressing. The best we can hope for is an earthquake. It's just not the same.

The Craft Family said...

Coley-Mush wants to know when his sleepover is....Oh la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa