6:00 AM came quicker than usual and as we sprang from our bed to comfort the soft little murmurs of little Lulli-Cakes, we were awoken by a strange though familiar quote from the 1984 hit movie, Ghostbusters!
Just like any other morning, the first thing to pop into our minds is our little Lulli-Cakes. And upon pulling Dagney out of Grandpa's crib and changing her diaper, it was not long before our quaint and well organized family room felt the wrath of Dagney...AKA Dagney the Destructor!!!!

It is no secret, one of Dagney's pet peves is a well organized play room. After her morning bottle and first diaper change her first order of business is un-organizing her playroom. And of course Daddy and Mommy's last order of business for the day is organizing the playroom.
Oh, How I remember the whole house being one big giant playroom....and now it is down to one room...the DEN....and oh how I want my den back!!
Perfect post!! Knowing what the little destructor has already will help with her birthday shopping. You might think you've got it all under control, but just wait until after her first b-day party, you won't be able to see the carpet.
Oh does that bring back memories. It's true! The saying, "just wait till you have children of your own!" Trust me if Dagney decides to keep the den neat, her sister won't! Love it!
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