After the rainbow Dagney took a bath and Aunt Jessie could not resist to put Lil' Emmet Pants into the bathtub with cousin Dagney. Many laughs were had and many memories were made...
Dagney took a little while to get use to walking on the sand and after a couple of spills she struggled to figure out why her thumb tasted different. After about 30 minutes she was running around, playing in the sand and jumping in the water. Her first movie-esque sprint into the rolling surf was a little rough as she didn't expect there to be such a drop off after entering the water. She shook it off and was back to exploring the beach.
We enjoyed what you put on the blog Ohma and I got a kick out of it!
Hiiiiii Everyone!! Thanks for the post. We are missing you all like crazy! What a gorgeous rainbow, looks just like a painting. Glad you're having so much fun!
I love Dagney's rashy. =)
what a beautiful rainbow
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