Brenda, Garry and Lauren came over Christmas Day for some turkey and here are some pictures of Lauren helping her cousin Paige open some Christmas gifts.
Paige started off opening her gift from Lauren. If you have recently spent time around Paige you'd know that Paige LOVES crinkling paper! To no surprise, Paige was fascinated with the blue tissue paper.
Paige and Lauren...
Relaxing with a full belly on Christmas day...
And back to gift unwrapping, Paige opens her gift from Daddy which was her first purse.
that was a nice day we had together! you were right i did have a full belly! :)
Emmet got the same keyboard as Paige. are you all rocking out to the Dixie Chicks and the Jackson Five? Not to mention smash mouth? Let the good times roll.
lol,so nice
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