Sunday, January 4, 2009

Frugal Moms are Cool

This is one of my favorite commercials and it came to mind earlier today as I checked out of the grocery store. Since becoming a full-time parent, lots of things have changed regarding how our family spends money. Gone are the days of impulse shopping and last-minute grocery store trips! Each and every day I spend at home with both of my girls is a blessing, and over the past few months I've made it my mission to make sure our family thrives on only one income. Since a couple of friends have asked me how I save so much money I thought it would be fun to show it on a post!

My workstation...I usually spend an hour or two a week here on Sunday night with my newspaper inserts, store circulars and calculator. It is so worth it. Dagney's enjoying breakfast with Daddy in the background.

A close-up of my coupon binder. Those of you who know me best are not shocked at my meticulous organization :)

Today's steal:
Cost before coupons = $28.56
Coupons tendered = $22.63
Final out of pocket cost = $5.93
Even the cashier was impressed! Our next big purchase, however, is probably going to be a chest freezer for the garage!


katherine said...

I didn't know you were staying home this year! Way to go!

I've also starting clipping coupons as of July. I write for a grocery deals blog you might find useful-- Let me know if you check it out. I'd love your feedback. I'd imagine there's a store near you listed in the Grocery Gathering. I've saved a lot of money but I still have a lot to learn.

Anonymous said...

That's amazing! I thought I did good, but you win the prize! Impressive, very impressive!

The Craft Family said...

You are the Coupon Queen. I try and try but do good to get a couple bucks off. Hey, consider it a part time job! Way to go! In the spirit of Bunkers Inventions, you should package your system or formula on a disk and sell it to make it easier for the rest of us!

Anonymous said...

Please teach me sissy!!!

Anonymous said...

i agree your idea ! very nice blog

Anonymous said...

That IKEA commercial's hilarious! Lots of love to everyone...

-Uncle Adam

Jennifer said...

Impressive purchase!