I thought it would be nice to give everyone a little update of all the goings-on at the Bunkers house!
- Paige and Dagney are now "roomies"...they've been sharing Dagney's big girl room for about a week now. Josh and I enjoy listening to them giggle with each other before they fall asleep at night. The biggest problem has been when they nap at the same time, because often the giggling doesn't end...
- Paige is our little talker - her repertoire includes "mama, dada, ball, car, juicey, duckie (which is basically her word for anything she doesn't know the actual word to), ba-ba (for bottle), doggie, kitty, up and cookie". She likes pulling her sister's hair to get a reaction, can wave bye-bye and likes to put her finger up to her mouth and say "shhh shhh".
- Dagney knows all of the primary colors + pink and aqua (her two favorites). She loves to sing the alphabet song, twinkle twinkle little star and count to 10 with some help. The Wiggles are all the rage in our household and she especially loves the "Ponies" song, where she dances and swishes her "tail".
- Paige seems to be on the verge of trying to take a few steps independently - we'll keep you posted!!
- Mommy only has 50 more days until her c-section, which she is anxiously awaiting! It's not easy being pregnant with two toddlers to take care of, but she's hanging in there and gets a lot of support, especially from her awesome hubby :)
- Josh is enjoying working in the city, especially his commute via bus. Even though it's a long ride, he's currently working on reading his fourth book and we now belong to the local library!
Don't forget "ball!" I swear Paige said "ball" twice on vacation. My girls LOVE sharing a room; I am glad your's do, too. The best is when they talk and giggle in the morning while you lay in bed!
Awwww! I love it! The girls are soo cute! Can't wait for the new addition!!
Wow, Dagney is into the Wiggles! Glad she is enjoying the DVD I bought her. I love them myself...good exercise tape "Meet the Wiggles" Lauren loved them too.
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