Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Apple Picking Field Trip!
Today Dagney went apple picking with her pre-school class! She brought home a jug of cider and a 1/2 peck of Jonathan apples. She had such a great time with her friends!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Dagney's Silly Face
Dagney is now at the age where likes making silly faces, check this crazy one out!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
its Paige time
When Dagney's at school, mommy and Paige get to spend special time together
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The East Coast Bunkers' First Popup Camping Trip

After going to our first RV show when I was first pregnant with Dagney, and much anticipation over the years, we finally purchased our first popup camper! It's a 2004 Viking Legend and has everything in it that we wanted (a slide-out, potty) and then some (a shower!).
We wanted to take it out after picking it up yesterday, so we headed to the Silver Valley Campground in nearby Pennsylvania. It was dark by the time we set it up, but the girls did have a little time to visit the new playground there. Eventually Paige and Dagney fell asleep, after lots of giggling in bed on their side of the camper. After Lillian fell asleep in her pack and play, Josh and I got to enjoy a few beers in front of a campfire and talk about all the places we'd like to visit in the coming summers. We're so excited to have finally reached this goal for our family.
Then Lilly decided she was missing out on something and kept Josh and I up from about 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. Then it started to rain. A lot. We made the most of it, of course, but it was definitely not easy keeping all of the girls occupied inside!
Good Morning From Pennsylvania
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Dagney's First Soccer Practice
Last night Dagney got to meet her Coach and teammates at her first-ever soccer practice. It was the tail end of a long day for her since she also has preschool on Thursday mornings, but she hung in there like a champ. Daddy, Paige and I were very proud of her and we had a great time watching her "drive her car (ball) on the highway," "sit on her dinosaur egg" and get the "egg into the nest."
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Dagney's First Day of School!
"The Itsy, Bitsy Hermit Crabs..."
Welcome the two newest members of the Bunkers family...Itsy and Bitsy! After admiring the hermit crab that Cole got for his birthday, Josh decided to bring home two for Dagney and Paige after a trip to South Jersey. They're a lot bigger than the ones I remember on the Jersey boardwalk when I was younger....and these are considered medium-sized!
After doing a lot of research, I set up a perfect crabitat for them complete with dechlorinated water, sea water and lots of sandy substrate for them to burrow into (as you can see Itsy the green-shelled crab doing above).
Because they're nocturnal, they're not the most interesting of pets unless, like me lately, you're up with a baby at 2 or 3 in the morning and get to really see them in action. They're pretty interesting, but Dagney and Paige don't think so because they only ever see them napping!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Baby Lillian Update
Lillian is such a ray of sunshine. Except when she's crabby due to a new tooth, she's such a happy and loving baby. I say baby, but she's pretty close to being a year old already. It's amazing how fast the time is going by.
She's got two teeth on the bottom and another coming in on the top. She can cruise along the furniture and can crawl all the way to the top of the stairs in record time. She loves the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" song and tries to mimic mommy's hand motions.
She's also a champion eater with the meatiest shanks to prove it. She loves any kind of fruit that's soft enough for her to "chew" in addition to bread, yogurt and mommy's carrot cupcakes.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to be writing a "Look Who's Walking" post by her first birthday, but hopefully I didn't just jinx it!
An Exciting New Endeavor

My good friend Janelle and I have finally launched our home-based business! You can now visit Sweet Vintage Baking Co. at our temporary blogger website. Much thanks goes to the friends and family (especially our husbands, and my brother Franz who worked so hard on our logo!) who are supporting us.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Dagney Ready for Fall Soccer
Look who is getting ready for her first official soccer practice? Next Thursday will be her first day and Dagney cannot wait! Here she is showing off her new equipment and mad skills!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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