Welcome the two newest members of the Bunkers family...Itsy and Bitsy! After admiring the hermit crab that Cole got for his birthday, Josh decided to bring home two for Dagney and Paige after a trip to South Jersey. They're a lot bigger than the ones I remember on the Jersey boardwalk when I was younger....and these are considered medium-sized!
After doing a lot of research, I set up a perfect crabitat for them complete with dechlorinated water, sea water and lots of sandy substrate for them to burrow into (as you can see Itsy the green-shelled crab doing above).
Because they're nocturnal, they're not the most interesting of pets unless, like me lately, you're up with a baby at 2 or 3 in the morning and get to really see them in action. They're pretty interesting, but Dagney and Paige don't think so because they only ever see them napping!
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