Dagney's Aunt Jenny (my best friend for 23 years) came for a nice long visit today and got to hold, feed and play with her (oh - and got spit-up on, too). She brought Dagney a beautiful piggybank and photo album and lunch for me (thanks Jenny!). The three of us went for a leisurely stroll in the morning and had a wonderful afternoon together. We miss her already and can't wait for the next visit!!
I can't wait to hold her too!
Sophie had the same striped onesie; maybe its a hand-me-down. I hope so. She is really beautiful!
Dagney LOVES Sophie's hand-me-downs!! There's one little pink sleeper in particular that's her favorite that mom washes almost daily just to put on her at night - thanks Sophie and Mom Hitchcock!
Hey family, It's your long lost buddies Michelle and Rick! Sorry I haven't been "blogging" lately, lots going on with school beginning. CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN!!!! I'm SO SO happy for you three! Dagney looks amazing and adorable! Jen and Josh you appear to be perfect at the parenting skills already! Sorry I won't be able to see Dagney until a month or so b/c of school (every Saturdays/8 hours). But I think R and T will come up w/out me.
:( But you three are on my mind and in my heart! I can't wait to hold Dagney and see her smile! Glad to see everyone is doing super well! I told Rick to give me your house number so I can call and chat (girl time; hee hee). Trip was fabulous at St. Thomas. We have pics I'll forward soon! Jen and Josh we miss you but are SO happy for you two! You three are a incredibly cute together. . happy family! Love ya!
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