My mother, who has stayed with Dagney and me for two nights while Josh has been away, spoke with her friend Judy whose daughter hired a Postpartum Doula for the first day her newborn was home. My mother suggested that I look into it as they provide practical support, encouragement and wisdom the days and weeks following the birth of a child. My Doula, Susanne, spent the day with us yesterday and it was wonderful! She helped me give the baby a sponge bath, helped me through breastfeeding issues, got me outside to take the baby for a stroll (I haven't seen sunlight since last Thursday) and passed on a lot of knowledge regarding baby care and techniques (e.g. using my birthing ball to bounce on with the baby to help calm her, which works beautifully!). It was a great day that really gave me a confidence and emotional boost.

Dagney loved having her hair washed...her face not as much!

Since Josh couldn't be with us Dagney used her "I love my Daddy" hooded towel and posed for him like a little champ.

She slept through the walk, but I don't blame was in the high 80s yesterday.
A postpartem doula, what a great idea! Wish I'd had one of those!
It's great to see Dagney and Mommy out and about and enjoying themselves!
I concure with Jenny, what a great idea!! How much to keep the doula overnight?? :)
I keep looking at this post to see if a new one has come up and I seriously cannot get over how FREAKING CUTE Dagney is!
I'm going to say it's all Mommy! ;)
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