Tuesday, August 14, 2007

An Early Anniversary Gift...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wishing you many more years of happiness and love with your baby Dagney and more to come,

Love Mom and Dad

Unknown said...

How sweet!!

Anonymous said...

What an AMAZING job on that video! Is that Brad Paisley singing? Love the song, I think I have it on my IPOD. I never saw those pics before. . nice to know the story now! :) Your wedding dress Jenn was incredible and you looked stunning. . .Josh . .always a cutie. . Dagney sure will enjoy this story! :)

Miss you!

Grandma Connie said...

That was absolutely beautiful!
Well done! I love it!

Love Mom

Jessica and Adam said...

Wow, very nice! I loved it.

Jennifer said...

Really Beautiful!!! Made me so, even more so, happy to see you all! Great job, Jenn!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Happy Anniversary, that is sooooo sweet!!

Unknown said...

What a great love story! Happy Anniversary! Love, Dad and Mel

Jenn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Bunkers said...

Thanks for all of the nice comments!