Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Great September Weekend

We had a lot of fun this weekend...relaxing at home, hanging out with friends, baking oatmeal scotchies, visiting with Ohma and Ohpa while we cheered on the Vikings and, to top it all off, baby and mommy took a walk to enjoy the crisp evening.

We love snuggling on the couch in our jammies.
Ohma and Ohpa bought Dagney a jumperoo for her 4-month birthday - and she loves it! Thanks Ohma and Ohpa!

She was having so much fun I couldn't get her to look up for the camera!

Ohma had been waiting all week for these baby snuggles.

Oh alright...just a quick shot...

Ohhhhh look what we just missed!

Definitely bundle-me-up weather now.


Jessica and Adam said...

Way to wear purple for game day Daggers!

Jennifer said...

I am so jealous of your "bundle me up" weather!