The morning started off with some family-style snuggling in bed and turned into family floor time. Now that she's napping soundly upstairs I have a chance to blog. The Bunkers household has gone through some major changes over the past week with mommy returning to work. We have a very different morning routine, which has begun to turn our nighttime into a routine as well. We never had to worry about when we went to bed before! Now Dagney is going to sleep about 8 p.m. and we have a before-bed ritual of changing into pjs, reading a few favorite books like Goodnight Moon and The Very Hungry Caterpillar, a warm bottle and some gentle bouncing on the blue ball if she needs a little prompting to get nice and drowsy before I lay her down in her crib. And that's something relatively new, too. A couple of weeks ago we started transitioning Dagney into her crib at night and not just for naps. While I really miss her right next to us in the co-sleeper I admittedly sleep much better when she's in her own crib. Next to me every rustle used to wake me up, but now I hear her on the monitor only if she wakes up. This leaves me in better shape for work in the morning...even if she has a middle of the night feeding, which she seems to slowly be phasing out. Friday night she slept from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. without one, but last night she wanted a feeding at 2 a.m. I don't mind it as it just means extra time with her for now. 
Great shot, daddy!
you look so cute!!!
She certainly seems to be growing up. Pretty soon she will be walking. And of course she is too beautiful.
How I remember those days when Lauren was Dagney's age. Holding Lauren up in the air and praying that she doesn't spit up.
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