Friday, August 22, 2008

My Favorite Pictures from Chesapeake

What I was especially excited about over vacation was being able to take lots of pictures of new things and just have fun with my camera. Here are my favorite ones...

Farewell sweet, sweet sippy cup...

I was both terrified of and fascinated by this Robber Fly that showed up on the balcony a few days in a row. It definitely made me wish I had a lens with better zooming capabilities.

Dagney decided she wanted to watch the sunrise one morning mid-vacation.

Josh made this scrumptious breakfast for us one morning. The star attraction was a fried egg on an english muffin topped with fresh crabmeat (that Josh collected from the Maryland crabs we feasted on the night before) and hollandaise sauce.

"who, me??"

I love taking face shots like this and even this:

I get to see this face all the time at home so I thought I'd share. Usually it's accompanied by a shriek.

Paige "discovered" her hand while we were on vacation and spent lots of time mulling over its details.

Emmet on the cob.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

These pictures are fantastic!!! Thanks for sharing!