Thursday, December 25, 2008

Dagney's Special Gift from Dad

Well I [Daddy] could not wait to get a gift which I suspected was slightly outside of Dagney's age ability, but I could not resist after our trip to Ocean Shores in November.

Dagney was exhausted from opening gifts and I think she was slightly aghast that she had another gift. After pulling a little paper aside, it did not take Dagney long to realize this gift was a new riding toy.

Dagney jumped on top of her new Barbie trike...

and made a b-line for the front door, pajamas and all!

After quickly bundling up, Dagney was off to the races!

Merry Christmas Dagney!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to ride bikes with Dagney! I love a nice hotwheels!

Anonymous said...

how can you write a so cool blog,i am watting your new post in the future!