Saturday, February 28, 2009


I got this cool hat at the Liquor Store for buying a 6-pack of this new product, MGD 64. Dagney got a kick out of the hat and her favorite thing to do is to put the hat on and say "Yo-Yo-Yo".

Below Dagney decided to put the hat on Paige and surprise her with a "Peek-a-Boo".

Paige always gets a kick out of her older sister's antics.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Sussex County Zoo

Last weekend we visited The Sussex County Zoo, otherwise known to the locals of Sussex County as the Critters Pet Store. Dagney got such a kick out of the hamster running in the hamster wheel.

Here Dagney found the fish aquarium and loved staring at the fish; bloop-bloop-bloop.

And really would not have been a trip without Dagney's best friend Cole. Cole was quick to find another fish aquarium, however this one had NEMO! "ne-MO! ne-MO! ne-MO! ne-MO!"

Dagney got a kick out of watching the new puppies play in the back.

Is this not the cutest little little boy in the World? Almost makes one want to have another baby.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Grandma Comes to Visit

Grandma Christensen came to visit for a 4-day weekend and we had a blast. Grandma helped do the dishes, treated us to pizza one night and the steak the next. And when she wasn't cleaning our stove, she was playing with her two grand-daughters.

Despite my plea for her to stop doing so much work, she made time for all of it.

Thanks Grandma

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fun at Friendly's

This past Sunday evening we headed to Friendly's with The Crafts for some food and fun! Here are some great pictures that the Crafts were able to take since the Bunkers forgot their camera in the minivan :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Curve of Normality

This past Monday I was given a crash course in raising children and the lecture topic was 'expectations'. My colleague Dave began to draw on the white board..."Josh, this is the 'Curve of Normality'".

"You see [pointing to 'A'], during the early stages of your wife's pregnancy, you're nurturing life. You visit the doctor and realize how precious and special the conception of life really is. All you can tell yourself is, 'Oh please let my baby be normal.' You don't really care if it is a boy or girl, all you wish for is a healthy baby." - Dave

"As your child learns to walk and speak a few words, you are convinced your child is a fast learner. Maybe your boy begins to run around the house [pointing to 'B'] with a football and there is no doubt your son is destined to be a pro athlete. They bring home their first report card and thoughts of Princeton, Harvard and William & Mary rush through your mind."

However, about this time [point to 'C'], your expectations begin to wane. They do a few stupid things and start using words that don't actually exist ('Cribs', 'Shizzle', 'Dawg'). Your expectations return to 'normalcy' and all you can think to yourself is 'I just hope my child can get a job'.

And that, is the Curve of Normality. Good luck Josh!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Time to Potty!....almost

We're gearing up here in the Bunkers house to start potty training pretty soon! Dagney has shown a huge interest in starting, especially when Ohma showed up with the adorable wooden potty chair shown below. It's fit for a queen with its own toilet paper holder on one side and book/magazine compartment on the other! It was hard keeping Dagney away from it the first day...she even demanded that we put it in the living room and tried dragging it there herself. Unfortunately she was sick with a stomach virus at the time, otherwise we would've jumped on the opportunity to allow her to try it out if the 'urge' struck. Stay tuned for potty updates!

Uhhhhh.....a little privacy, please?