Monday, June 25, 2007

Lots of Visitors this Weekend!

On this past Friday afternoon (wish I could blog more often!) Aunt Kara (my best friend at work) came for a visit...she hasn't seen Dagney since she was 1 day old in the hospital and couldn't get over how much she's grown and changed since then! She looks so good holding the baby...can't wait until Dagney has another little playmate in Hamburg ;) Later that Friday Uncle Rick and Uncle Todd (soon to be called "Getty" as he will officially be Dagney's Godfather on August 5th!) came to visit for the weekend...they got a real taste of living with a newborn right down to explosive diaper situations and early evening crankiness. It was an all-around great weekend (I even got to get extra sleep as Josh took over nighttime feedings for mommy) Right on!!!

Uncle Todd looks like a natural right down to the Boppy!

Todd engaging in Dagney's favorite activity - bouncing!

Proud Uncle Rick!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Almost One Month Old!

Happy Birthday to the New Daddy!

Yesterday, for Josh's 34th birthday, Ohma babysat Dagney and we went out with Alison and Patrick (also enjoying a night sans children) to the Thirsty Moose for dinner, drinks and plenty of adult conversation. It felt good to have fun and laugh with our friends and forget about spit-up and dirty diapers for just a little while (thanks again Ohma!!).

Relaxing with Baby

This past week we've all had our own favorite moments with Dagney here in the Bunkers home...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Swinging+Nature Sounds=One Sleepy Baby

What a feat!! After many unsuccessful trials and banshee screaming over the past two weeks Dagney might actually enjoy her swing now - I can't believe I'm typing on the computer as she swings...this means at some point I may be able to put her in the swing and get some things done around here with BOTH hands - hah! uh oh....spoke too soon....gotta go

Monday, June 11, 2007

Ohma and Ohpa's Visit

Last Thursday Ohpa dropped Ohma off for the night and Josh brought her back home Friday evening. It was an awesome visit! I've already learned so much from her - she definitely has many years of child-rearing experience to share and Dagney just loves her. She's coming back this Thursday to stay for TWO nights (she offered to babysit Friday night so Josh and I can go out to dinner to celebrate his Birthday). We are very lucky to have such a wonderful Ohma and Ohpa in Dagney's life!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Aunt Jenny Visits!

Dagney's Aunt Jenny (my best friend for 23 years) came for a nice long visit today and got to hold, feed and play with her (oh - and got spit-up on, too). She brought Dagney a beautiful piggybank and photo album and lunch for me (thanks Jenny!). The three of us went for a leisurely stroll in the morning and had a wonderful afternoon together. We miss her already and can't wait for the next visit!!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Doula Day

My mother, who has stayed with Dagney and me for two nights while Josh has been away, spoke with her friend Judy whose daughter hired a Postpartum Doula for the first day her newborn was home. My mother suggested that I look into it as they provide practical support, encouragement and wisdom the days and weeks following the birth of a child. My Doula, Susanne, spent the day with us yesterday and it was wonderful! She helped me give the baby a sponge bath, helped me through breastfeeding issues, got me outside to take the baby for a stroll (I haven't seen sunlight since last Thursday) and passed on a lot of knowledge regarding baby care and techniques (e.g. using my birthing ball to bounce on with the baby to help calm her, which works beautifully!). It was a great day that really gave me a confidence and emotional boost.

Dagney loved having her hair washed...her face not as much!

Since Josh couldn't be with us Dagney used her "I love my Daddy" hooded towel and posed for him like a little champ.

She slept through the walk, but I don't blame was in the high 80s yesterday.