Thursday, November 29, 2007

Go Grease Lightning!

When I came home tonight I really wanted to post a picture of Baby Bunks #2 on the I put Dagney in the living room on the blanket where she likes to play. Within a minute I hear this tearing noise and realize she made her way under the Christmas tree and is trying to open her big Cousin Emmet's present (and doing a pretty good job of it). Of course I pull her away and put her back in the living room and as I turn around she's scooting around the couch to try to get back to the present - I just had to catch the little hooligan on video.

Hi There Baby Bunks #2

I went for an ultrasound yesterday and everything is looking great! The baby is measuring at 12 weeks and 4 days, which is just right. The technician's exact words were "It's very, very maybe a girl", so I guess we'll have to wait for the 20 week ultrasound to be sure. It's hard to see in the picture, but the baby is lounging....its legs are up and its arms are behind its head!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a fun Thanksgiving Day at Ohma and Ohpa's house this year. Grandma Connie was with us and brought two delicious pies - pecan and apple...the baby got to sit in my old highchair at the dinner table and eat sweet potatoes...Daddy watched some football and by early evening everyone felt like napping. It was just perfect!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 19, 2007


I woke up to beautiful snow outside the window this morning and a phone call telling me my school had a delayed opening - yay! I let Josh sleep in and got to spend an extra couple of hours with Dagney in the morning. She got bundled up for the trip and Daddy couldn't resist taking a few pictures.

She wasn't especially impressed with the white stuff on our way least the winter jacket from her Gotta and Lauren kept her snug and looking cute as a teddy bear.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Here's a cute picture that Kim took of Dagney all bundled up so she could watch Charlie and Annabel play outside. The little pink hat was knit by Ohma!

Monday, November 5, 2007

In Loving Memory of My Godmother

My Godmother Susan passed away this afternoon after being in the hospital for the past two weeks following a tragic accident. She was a beautiful, funny and strong woman who I have loved and looked up to all of my life. I took these pictures of her and the baby in August at the Baptism...I especially love the one where they are both looking out the window as Dagney gets a kiss. She will be missed in ways that I cannot even begin to process.

Sunday Stroll with Daddy...

before we watched the Vikes kick butt, of course!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Happy 50th Anniversary Ohma and Ohpa!!

This weekend we all got together at my Mom and Dad's house to celebrate their Golden Anniversary - even though I did a horrible job at taking pictures I can tell you that we had a fantastic time. It's hard to believe my parents have been married for 50 years...quite an accomplishment in this day and age. Franz and Diana put together a phenomenal DVD slide show commemorating 50 years of Ohaus memories and love. It choked most of us up! We love you Mom and Dad - Happy Anniversary!

Me and my Gotta

Hi Ohma!

Lauren, Gotta and Aunt Donna

We celebrated Cousin Aislynn's 18th Birthday, too!

Hangin' with Uncle Franz and Cousins Zachary and Lauren (check out the cute BabyLegs I've got on, Aunt Jessie!!)