Saturday, November 8, 2008

Feeding the Brain

The last few nights Dagney has really taken to reading books. She cannot get enough of them. Our bedtime routine has always been to read a few books before going to bed, but this week her enthusiasm reached such a fevered pitch that I thought about cutting out the book reading time altogether because she was getting way too excited before bed. Dagney would slam her fist into the chair in anticipation of us sitting down to read books. She would jump up and down, scream and point at each book. Consequently we ran out of books which could hold Dagney's attention.So today I decided it was time for Dagney and Daddy to go to Borders and pick out some new books. I kid you not, this was my expectation:

...We walk into Borders hand and hand...father and daughter. We stroll to the back of the store and sit down together. We go through a variety of books and Dagney lets me know with some sort of simple hand gesture and a nod if she is interested in reading a particular book or not...

I don't know what I was thinking.

Everything went well when we entered through the first set of double doors at our local Borders store. Dagney's excitement was palpable as she looked over the few clearance books there in the vestibule. We opened the second set of doors and Dagney took off like the wind! She was in a full gallop, going from section to section; fiction, mystery and home improvement, pulling book after book from the shelf. Dagney was so charged by the colorful covers she could not contain her enthusiasm as she whipped them onto the floor. I also didn't realize how many toys, stuffed animals and colorful writing accessories Borders kept in stock and at arms reach for a toddler. Dagney found all of these items and proceeded to taste each one.

In the end, however, we found some new books and Dagney and Daddy had a wonderful time.

Dagney running through the store...

Dagney looking for a new aisle of books to deshelve...

Dagney by-passing the books for the toy shelf...

Dagney discovering Dora...

Good ole Sandra Boyton...

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