Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fat, Lazy, Worthless Ducks

I was so excited to have Good Friday off, I recommended we to go to nearby Lafayette Village and feed the ducks! I was convinced this would be a huge hit for Dagney, however the ducks had other thoughts. These overfed, lazy ducks would not move. In fact, I threw a couple wads of bread at a few of them, yet they hardly flinched. Dagney was not amused either.


The Bunkers said...

The poor ducks were probably traumatized because as I remember it you were throwing the wads of bread at their heads!

Jessica and Adam said...

Perhaps they are full from the loaf of bread from the family before you:) How much bread can a wood duck suck if a wood duck could suck bread (that is being chucked at it's head).

Anonymous said...

For all intents and purpose, my effort in throwing bread at the ducks was simply to encourage them to be more active and get more excercise.

~ josh