Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Blizzard of 09!

Despite the wintery wind and freezing snow, I took the girls out. Dagney made snow angels and climbed piles of plowed snow. It was a lot of work getting them ready and I had to bribe them to come in with candy canes.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Lauren said...

how much snow do u have??? we have 8 in.!!!!!!

The Craft Family said...

Uhhhhh....yeah. Blizzard. ;-)

You guys are going to have to come to Fredericton one year with us!
Cancelling the holiday housewarming....we just won't tell our Cdn friends. Oh well, see you Wednesday for the make-up!

Anonymous said...

your blizzard looks more like a dusting you east coasters!
Aunt Jessie