Tuesday, February 19, 2008

First Tooth!

Just shy of 9 months Dagney's first tooth started to come through. Josh and I noticed that she just wasn't herself this past Sunday morning and lo and behold I spotted the central incisor coming up through her gum. Well, the rest of the day and night were miserable for her as she had a low fever and a lot of discomfort. Tylenol and ice cubes in her mesh Nuby feeder were great help. The kicker is that for a week prior to this she was finally sleeping through the night from 7:30 pm to about 6:30 am. I put off ending her middle of the night feeding for long enough...I think I wanted it more than she really needed it. I actually loved snuggling with her in her room at 3:30 am - call me crazy, but it was our special time together and I have never minded getting up with her. Plus now that I'm 6 months pregnant I'm getting up a few times to use the bathroom anyway. One tooth down and many to go!

Ohma investigates the new tooth, which to me feels like a little razor popping through. Poor baby!

Daddy attempts to elicit a smile, but Dagney is not interested.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Yeah!!! A tooth!! Congratulations Dagney!