Thursday, September 27, 2007

Daddy's Home!

Josh went to Long Island yesterday for the closure of his client's three month contract (which went quite well he tells me). In the meantime, Ohma spent the night, helping me with the baby and then spending the day with her. In preparation for Josh's return the baby had fun in the tub after rolling around on her blankie (she is quite the "roller" at this point...tummy to back and vice versa....rolling her way under the coffee table...I'll have to capture it on video for everyone).

Fresh and clean for my Daddy!

There's nothing like Daddy's strong arms and big smile! (mommy happens to agree)


The Keller Family said...

I'm glad everything went well in LI. Dagney is as cute as ever!

Jessica and Adam said...

What pretty eyes you have daggers:)

The Craft Family said...

so happy to hear everything went well on LI. Little Miss Schooches is just so bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to take on the world!!! too cute!

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