Sunday, September 2, 2007

The End To A Great Weekend

Dagney and I went to spend the day with Aunt Jenny who is now 23 weeks pregnant! She has definitely "popped" and looks beautiful. Dagney made a new friend and I got a pep talk from my best friend about returning to work on Tuesday. I'm sure she's still going to get a teary phone call from me on Tuesday morning and I'm also sure she expects it.
Dagney was all smiles for Aunt Jenny.
Dagney meets Gonzo who is soon to become her biggest fan.

The beauty of pregnancy.
Just hanging out.

Dagney got lots of kitty lovies. Funny how our own 3 cats want nothing to do with her!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the hair!
Tuesday won't be'll be hard but you and Dagney will be great!